
HB 545:农场权

HB 545 seeks to strengthen and protect farmers from loopholes in our states right to farm laws. This clarification in language helps producers by clearing up language that is vague and could be interpreted in ways detrimental to agriculture.



GFB公共政策工作人员, 以及我们的行业合作伙伴, have been hard at work at the Capitol to address the many misconceptions that have been floating around the state this week. These groups have been extremely vocal and we need your help contacting legislators to combat this opposition campaign. It is imperative that the state legislature pass this bill in order to protect our state's agricultural interests.  Help us debunk some of these misconceptions by sharing this information with your friends and family on social media!

揭穿关于HB 545的神话


"This bill has nothing to do with farmers and everything to do with further opening up our state to large corporate poultry and livestock waste lagoon operations (like the mega hog farms that have ravaged North Carolina) and making it easier for them to pollute our air, 陆地和水路.——《十大老品牌网赌网址大全》的艾德 & 奥尔巴尼先驱报》


Polluting "our air, 陆地和水路" would be an illegal activity. Neither current law nor HB 545 provide any Right to Farm protection to an agriculture operation which is operating illegally. HB 545 does nothing to weaken or alter laws or rules related to environmental protection.



“根据现行的滋扰法, long-standing property owners can protect their private properties from disruptive, newly arriving farms as long as they sue within four years of the nuisance starting. 但是HB 545实质上限制了这项权利, standing 35 years of excellent Right to Farm law on its head.——保护格鲁吉亚


Not only does HB 545 allow for nuisances to occur within 2 years of a farm's established date of operation, 它还允许额外的2年提起诉讼, 从农场开始运营算起总共4年. HB 545 further protects existing land owners by restarting this clock if a significant change occurs, 比如从行作物农场过渡到牲畜农场.



"Georgia's current 'Right to Farm' Law reasonably protects existing farms from people who move to the nuisance. 如果农场先到,它就受到保护!——乔治亚州水资源联盟立法追踪者


Current law does NOT provide Right to Farm protection to existing farms from new neighbors in many situations, as shown by recent Federal Court decisions in North Carolina. These rulings even cite Georgia's law in support of limiting Right to Farm protection.



"[Flint Riverkeeper and Executive Director] also believes the window is too restrictive and said that 'nuisance doesn't manifest itself until the third or fourth year.'"   AJC


一个农场的正常运作并不是一个单一的事件, 这是农场每天都在发生的事情. 因此,每一天都可能构成一种新的所谓的滋扰, and the 4 year statute of limitations clock begins anew each day, 导致永久的脆弱性. That is why HB 545 establishes a reasonable 2 year window of vulnerability, and as long as there is not a significant change to the family farm business, the operation is afforded protection for continuing to operate the same way.



"The revised version of the legislation maintains an unnecessary and unwise course of rewriting existing Right to Farm Law to benefit new industrial ag operations and strip protections from long-time rural property owners.——乔治亚州水资源联盟立法追踪者


HB 545平衡了所有业主的权利. HB 545 provides residents an opportunity to sue new farms and provides new farmers the right to work the land they purchase and lawfully operate. Established landowners are even given a new opportunity to sue if an existing farm undergoes significant change, 就像棉花和牲畜.



"Environmentalists also have concerns that HB 545 could have a negative impact on water quality. Sierra Club lobbyist [representative] said some nuisance complaints have come from neighbors of farmers who say their water sources had been contaminated.——ajc


HB 545 does NOT alter, amend or change any environmental standards or permit requirements. 污染, 污染, 而有害排放物则是完全不同的问题, 像这样的非法损害是可以被起诉的.

This bill SOLELY addresses nuisances claimed against farms operating legally.





HB 545 eliminates ambiguity in current law and details when Right to Farm protection is afforded to farm operations. Further, it would clearly apply to all farm operations equally. While livestock operations have been the initial target of these suits, weaknesses in the current law threaten legal actions against all types of agriculture and support facilities including livestock, 中耕作物, 特色作物和林业.


乔治亚州农场局 has been working intently with our allied ag groups to ensure the bill adequately accomplishes our goal of protecting farmers from undue nuisance lawsuits. Our most effective lobbying is done on the grassroots level. 如果你还没有, we highly encourage you to contact your legislators as soon as possible and encourage them to pass HB 545. 你可以在 Find Your Legislators 下面的工具或 下载完整列表.

Agriculture is the number one industry in the state of Georgia. 没有强有力的农业法律权利, our farmers could be subjected to frivolous nuisance lawsuits which could upend their operations and bankrupt their families. It is vital that we pass House Bill 545 to preserve the production of food and fiber in our state.



